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jeudi 29 décembre 2011

Berlin History Museum

Berlin History Museum

Today we spent the afternoon going around the Berlin History Museum or the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin. On the way I had to buy a sausage (well it is Berlin) from the mobile sausage seller.
I thought I'd seen it all, but I haven't seen a portable grill carried around by a man with an umbrella selling sausages. Think what you could do with this set up on an Australian beach!!
portable sausage seller
portable sausage seller
The German History Museum is definitely a museum worth visiting. The first floor takes you from the Roman / Celtic period to the first world war. The ground floor takes you from the first world war through to re-unification and the current period. It's amazing how much of the more recent history (say 100 years) is captured on film, in diaries etc.
I was watching some news footage from when the Berlin Wall fell of people crossing into West Berlin, the bands, the partying etc and I remembered seeing some of it on the news at the time. Walking around Berlin, seeing the changes from our last visit and then seeing these images again is quite amazing.
After the museum we went across the road to another Christmas market. Basically every square, or Platz, has a Christmas Market. They all sell much the same things, but the food and drink offerings can be somewhat different. We had dinner in a very nice tent, with tables and chairs, with food from a hotel in the country marketing itself. The Christmas market was fairly quiet, compared to the weekend, but we assumed that everyone is out more towards the end of the week.
After that we headed over to Alexander Platz. When we got to the train station we recognised the station from our last visit, but the shopping centres and apartments weren't there last time. It was another reminder of how much rebuilding is still going on in Berlin.